John Butterworth – Towards Blencathra


Dimensions 50 × 60 cm

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John Butterworth studied at Rochdale, Newport and Cardiff colleges of art. He now lives and works in Winchester, Hampshire.

John uses oil paint, acrylic, watercolour and various print making techniques (including etching and lithography) in his work.

He went on to be granted a David Murray Landscape painting scholarship from the Royal Academy of Arts, London. His tutor here was the late Richard Eurich R.A. who had a major influence on the artist’s approach and attitude towards the depiction of landscape.

John’s artistic influences come from the work of Kurt Schwitters, Antonio Tapies, Per Kirkeby and Gerhard Richter. Like them, he relishes the broad use of a variety of materials and processes. His images evolve through a dialogue between the internal idea or source of inspiration and the medium/media used to produce it. The work therefore becomes an autonomous entity, with its own logical coherence. It is sometimes only a glancing relation to what exists outside of the frame.

John has exhibited both in this country and abroad. He participated in two Biennales in Monaco and one in Cleveland, UK.

He recently showed his work in a fund raising exhibition at the Saatchi Gallery in London.

His work is also in many public and private collections, including those of Bristol education authority, Kent authority and Hampshire County Council.

He is available for private commissions, tutorials and private tuition.